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Trip Stoppers – Psilocybin Effect Reducer (Mushroom Mountain)


4 Capsules equals 1 dose Full dose provides 800mg Valerian Root Extract and 800mg Maltodextrin When you use Psilocybin Mushrooms the experience can sometimes be a bit too intense. With a full dose of trip stoppers you can minimize or completely stop your trip. It strengthens the demolition process while metabolizing the alkaloids quickly, stopping

4 Capsules equals 1 dose

Full dose provides 800mg Valerian Root Extract and 800mg Maltodextrin

When you use Psilocybin Mushrooms the experience can sometimes be a bit too intense. With a full dose of trip stoppers you can minimize or completely stop your trip. It strengthens the demolition process while metabolizing the alkaloids quickly, stopping your bad trip.

Within 20-30 minutes the effects will become less intense and in some cases be eliminated. The Valerian Root helps you relax while the Maltodextrin neutralizes the alkaloids of the Psilocybin. Always be prepared when taking your Psilocybin Mushrooms!

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